In case anyone else wondered how the hell Sulu from Star Trek ended up as a recurring figure on The Howard Stern Show and working as Howard Stern's announcer, I've found the answer. Howard Stern knows the way to a man's heart. It was all in the first impression, you see. Sulu-aka George Takei relayed the story of his and Howard's first meeting to Conan O'Brien on Late Night With Conan O'Brien. George met Howard when he appeared on Howard's radio show as a guest. George describes the experience as follows:
George Takei to Conan O'Brien:
''Met this tall, skinny, wild-haired guy and I said, ''Good morning. How are you?'' and he said, ''Oh, you have a deep voice. Anyone with a voice that deep has ah-got to have a big dong.'' I said, ''Are we on the air?'' and that was my introduction to Howard Stern.''
That you see, is how you get any male celebrity to work with you in any circumstance. That's my theory anyway...
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