Knocked Up stars Katherine Heigl (Grey's Anatomy) as Allison Scott and Seth Rogen (The 40-Year-Old Virgin) as Ben Stone and is another reproductive romp-the category I find myself oddly obsessed with. Though the plot is about Allison and Ben's unplanned parenthood, one of my favorite scenes in the movie took the focus from the stars and gave it to Heigl's onscreen sister and niece. After Ben blurts out that he and Allison are going to have a baby to Allison's little niece at the breakfast table, the niece wants to get an education and her mother handles it like a pro.
Sadie (played by Maude Apatow): Where do babies come from?
Debbie (played by Leslie Mann-Apatow's real-life mother too): Where do you think they come from?
Sadie enthusiastically illustrating the procedure: Well, I think a stork, he um-he drops it down and then-and then a hole goes in your body and there's blood everywhere coming out of your head. And then you push your belly button and then your butt falls off and then you hold your butt and you have to dig and you find a little baby.
Debbie: That's exactly right.
Playing Sadie's dad, Paul Rudd's facial expressions during this conversation cracked me up. He made me laugh throughout the movie. Gold star for Paul.
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